Wednesday, May 28, 2008

caught in the act

at approximately 9:00 am i was working and received a pix message on my phone from my dear friend and roommate. i thought oh what could this be? i clicked open and there he was! chase was lying up on the couch wrapped in my warm fuzzy blanket with his head propped up on stef's pillow. WOW he had been caught, discovered! i cannot come to his defense anymore when stef gripes about how chase's hair somehow always gets up that far on the couch! no chase, i love you but you are guilty this time bud.

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Oh my yes and I will not even begin to describe the racing emotions that flooded my mind that early in the morning or even the fact that my presence didn't phase him!! I would like to note that Chase is not a little minature dog...he passed his cute get on the couch days when he reached 30 lbs now he is 60!